Latvian Translation Services

For over 25 years Jonckers has been an innovator in fast, cost-effective translation

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Accredited Language Experts

At Jonckers, apart from just translation services, we provide you with a unique insight into the culture, people, business etiquettes and
customs of Latvia. We provide localized translation, which makes perfect sense to your target audience. We follow a very
systematic, yet highly intuitive approach, in delivering top-notch translation and localisation services.

We follow a rigorous selection process to ensure that all our Latvian translation experts offer nothing but the best in terms of service. Our professional translators undergo diligent training, testing and certification before they are assigned to translate the content for you. Our Latvian language specialists meet the requirements of the quality standards and each translator working on your content is a Latvian language expert who has the expertise to localize the content for the Latvian speakers you want to reach.

Systematic Approach

All your content is connected seamlessly via our WordsOnline platform, which not only gives you real-time overview and updates on the progress of your content but also guarantees that the service is flexible and quick. And, the extensive experience we have at providing Latvian translation services ensures that you can conduct your business with complete peace of mind knowing that your translation has been carried out to the highest quality without any scope of miscommunication.

Translation and Localisation

At Jonckers, we understand the importance of communicating the right message to your global audience and whatever the type of content you want to be translated, we will allocate the right talent for the job to ensure that the message is delivered properly and is understood by the audience in the way you want.

Our translators have an extensive understanding of the industry and the type of content the industry needs with insight that is sector specific. Our team is geared up to meet all your translation requirements, be it marketing material, legal documents or anything at all, you can be sure that the translations we deliver are simply the best.

Why you need professional translators

Latvian or Lettish is the language spoken in the Baltic region and belongs to the Baltic branch of the Indo-European family of languages. Latvian formed until the 16th century and is an amalgamation of Selonian, Curonian and Semigallian, which were all Baltic languages. Latvian has 3 dialects – the High Latvian, the Livonian and the Middle dialects.

Latvian is the official language of Latvia and is also one of the official languages of the EU. Latvian is spoken by over 80 percent of the people in Latvia and around 56 percent of the people speak Latvian as the primary language in their homes. However, the use of Latvian is increasing in various areas of social, as well as business life. 

In the last few years, the economy of Latvia has seen tremendous growth in terms of its GDP and has been ranked as one of the best countries to do business with in the world. Latvia has a great deal to offer right from food, agricultural products to wood processing and more. Today, in Latvia, sectors such as IT, transportation and finance are growing rapidly and there are huge business opportunities in these industries.

However, to participate in business transactions with Latvia successfully and engage in international relations, it is necessary to have a partner who will enable you to communicate in the Latvian language effectively and this is where Jonckers plays an important role. Our Latvian language team uses their experience and expertise to ensure the exact meaning and cultural context of your content. The team also has complete knowledge of the various dialects, which ensures that your clients will receive the exact message that you intend to convey in every single sentence.


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Translating over 1 million words per week
with WordsOnline.


Trusted localization partner with
over 10 years of customer satisfaction.


Delivering over 8,000 localized videos (with voiceovers) within 18 months.

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