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Happy Saint Lucia day

In the spirit of generosity and celebrating light and hope at the darkest time of year, you can see that Saint Lucia is remembered on the 13th of December.

Saint Lucia is a festival that is celebrated on December 13th every year in many countries, including Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, and Saint Lucia’s home country, Italy.

The festival is named after Saint Lucia, a Christian martyr who was killed in the early 4th century. According to legend, Saint Lucia used to bring food and aid to Christians hiding in the catacombs during the time of Roman persecution. She would wear a crown of candles on her head to light her way and keep her hands free to carry supplies.

The festival is celebrated in different ways in different countries, but typically involves a young girl dressing up in a white gown with a red sash and wearing a crown of candles on her head. In some countries, she is accompanied by a procession of other girls, all dressed in white and carrying candles. The girls sing traditional songs and hand out sweets to the audience.

saint lucia

In Sweden

Saint Lucia is celebrated with a large procession that takes place early in the morning. The procession is led by a young girl dressed as Saint Lucia, who is followed by other girls and boys dressed in white, with girls wearing wreaths of lingonberry branches in their hair. The procession typically ends with a breakfast of gingerbread cookies and saffron buns.

In Norway

Saint Lucia is celebrated with a similar procession, but the girl dressed as Saint Lucia is accompanied by a group of “star boys” who carry stars on sticks. In Finland, the celebration includes a special meal of fish, rice pudding, and gingerbread cookies, while in Denmark, Saint Lucia is celebrated with a procession of children carrying candles and singing carols.

Overall, Saint Lucia is a festival that celebrates light and hope during the darkest time of the year, and it has become an important part of the holiday traditions in many countries.


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