Bengali Translation Services

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Accredited Language Experts

We have curated and created a network of the best Bengali translators and we utilize the collective knowledge of this network by allowing multiple translators to work on your content simultaneously. Our in-house translation platform monitors the progress of the translated content and performs several quality assessment checks to deliver translated content of the highest standard.


The translators assigned to your content are first trained, tested and certified to ensure that they are perfectly suited to work on your content. This means that they not only deliver highly localized, but also incorporate the lexicon specific to your industry. Be it retail and eCommerce, multimedia, travel and tourism, marketing or software content, among others, our translators are experienced in translating content for each industry segment. This is particularly important in Bengali translation, because there are endonyms for most industry segments and other facets of industries in the Bengali vocabulary.

As part of our Language Industry Certification System (LICS) certified translation and localization services, we also provide you completely transparent access to an online dashboard to keep track of the progress made with translating your content in real time. We will guide you through the entire process and answer any queries you may have.

Translation and Localisation

We deliver accurate and consistent translation and localisation services. Our network of Bengali translators are trained and skilled in identifying the various nuances of the language and moulding the translated content to reflect these nuances. The translators do not just provide a word-for-word translation.

Our professional translators understand the cultural differences, the interpersonal equations, the business practices and the idioms that are part of the Bengali speaking world and incorporate these into the translated content. This enables you to effectively communicate with your audience without worrying about any faux pas inadvertently affecting your business.

Why you need professional translators

Bengali or Bangla is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. There are between 250 and 300 million Bengali speakers in the world, of which the majority reside in the South Asian country Bangladesh and in the state of West Bengal in India. Bangladesh and West Bengal share a common border.

Bengali is the official language of Bangladesh and is one of the 22 scheduled languages in India. In India, it’s the second most spoken language after Hindi, of which Jonckers provides Hindi translation services, including localization. It’s also spoken in a number of other states in the East and Northeastern states of India.

While about 50% of Bengali vocabulary comprises native words, it also has been influenced by a number of languages. Sanskrit and Persian are the two most influential languages on Bengali vocabulary, along with Arabic, Turkish, English, Portuguese and French, among others. Diglossia is very common among communities that speak Bengali.

The literary as well as standard modern form of the Bengali language is quite different from the colloquial variety spoken by the people. This poses a challenge in accurately translating content for various groups of the Bengali speaking region. Hence, native Bengali speakers, like those in our network of translators, are best placed to do it. Due to several historical and political reasons, Bengali language has become an integral part of the Bengali identity. It unifies people who are part of a culturally diverse region.

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